United Nations Coordinated Appeals
As of 31 August, United Nations coordinated appeals and refugee response plans within the Global Humanitarian Overview require US$24.1 billion to meet the humanitarian needs of 102.3 million crisis-affected people in 38 countries. The appeals are funded at $9.1 billion, leaving a shortfall of $15.0 billion. Revised appeals for Mali, Yemen and Niger this month increased overall requirements.
The security situation has deteriorated sharply in Mali in recent months: clashes between armed groups are further exacerbating community vulnerability, displacing people-- over 30,000 people have been displaced in 2017 -- and consequently generating new humanitarian needs. The 2017 HRP has been revised to address increasing requirements for immediate food assistance; approximately 3.8 million people are suffering from food insecurity in 2017, up from 3 million people during the same period last year. To date, only 26 percent of the $304.7 million in funding requirements has been received. Additional funding for the 2017 HRP is urgently required to ensure that the most vulnerable Malians receive the life-saving assistance they desperately need, and to mitigate the risk that the crisis, and its impact on neighbouring countries, will deepen.
The revised 2017 response plan for Yemen issued this month includes changes in targets and requirements which are now at $2.3 billion. The Integrated Cholera Response component has been added to the YHRP and funding will be tracked as a subset of the YHRP as progress is made in 2017. In addition to the original YHRP target covering 8.3 million people through WASH assistance, some 6.7 million more people will be reached through a nationwide cholera awareness campaign, including household-level awareness-raising and provision of soap and oral rehydration salts. However, since this is a one-time provision of assistance, the overall YHRP target will remain at 12 million people. A total of $254 million is required to implement action outlined in the integrated cholera response plan to control the outbreak, prevent further spread, and minimize the risk of recurrence. Please click on icon overleaf for information on urgent funding needs in DPRK, DRC, CAR, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Ukraine.
As of end August, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has approved approximately $312 million for 30 countries. In August, the fund allocated $35.2 million to six emergencies, including $4 million for the Gaza strip to ensure the provision of life-saving health services and avoid an outbreak of water-borne and water-related diseases. CERF allocated $600,000 to Yemen to support urgent airlift of medical and WASH equipment to curb the spread and impact of cholera in the country. CERF approved some $6.5 million for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to minimize the humanitarian impact of the recent drought and to prevent the death of infants, children under five and pregnant and lactating women from preventable causes. In north-east Nigeria, almost $10 million was approved to complement food assistance through the provision of integrated life-saving WASH, health and nutrition interventions focusing on newly arrived IDPs and returnees in the same areas facing famine-like conditions. As of 28 August, 41 donors have contributed a total of $358.9 million to CERF, and 6 other donors pledged approximately $16.3 million, bringing the total pledged contributions to $375.2 million. Based on estimates from past contribution patterns, CERF is projecting an income of $447.5 million for 2017.
As of end August, 25 donors have contributed $494 million (including $79.7 million in pledges) to the 18 country-based pooled funds active in 2017. Humanitarian partners have received $384 million with another $24.4 million pending approval. The highest amounts have been allocated by funds in Yemen ($59.4 million), Iraq ($55.6 million) and South Sudan ($45.8 million). Some 46 per cent has gone to international NGOs, 31 per cent to UN organizations, 22 per cent to national NGOs and 1 per cent to Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement organizations. Real-time information on CBPF contributions and allocations is available on http://gms.unocha.org/bi.